I've come across some interesting points of trivia lately that I thought I would share, with source in parentheses.
- Most mammals have an even number of "narples" (misspelled to keep skeevy people out), except for a few like oppossums which have an odd number. The optimum litter size is equal to half of the number of 'narples', which is why human females usually have only one child. (Fringe on Fox)
- My construction company was bought by a German construction company in 1999 (that I already knew). This company has been around since about 1875, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they built things for Hitler - most notably the bunker in which he supposedly committed suicide (this I did not know). Also, we have an entry in wikipedia and two of our big competitors don't, which either means we are cool or wikipedia is written by Nazis. Your pick. (wikipedia.org, or course)
- General Electric, maker of lightbulbs, owns NBC, MSNBC, etc and also manufactures trains, planes, and other "green" stuff. Are they behind all this green, save the earth kick? (Fox News)
- Cloth diapers are also available in adult sizes, and a typical cloth diaper (well, from that diaper service anyway) will be used and cleaned 42 times before it is sold as a rag (Dirty Jobs).
- People who live in DC are stupid, because they are defending Marion Berry AGAIN. Earth to DC: Don't compare Berry to Tom Daschle, who only has been found of not filing taxes once as opposed to eight times. And hasn't been caught smoking crack.
- My friend Sarah is on Jeopardy! tonight so everyone watch and cheer her on!! All that she'll say about it is, "I didn't embarass myself." Second place finishers get $2000 and third place peeps get $1000. If Sarah came in third, she would have taken home about $500, which just about covers the travel expenses the show didn't pay for even though she had to come back to tape a second time because they had a tie for first place the first time she went to California. Jeopardy! is run by a bunch of penny pinchers (Sarah).
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